Last version 06/02/2001 COST269 Main Page COST SYSTEM in few words Founded in 1971 COST, is an intergovernmental framework
for European Co-operation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research,
allowing the co-ordination of nationally funded research on a European
level. COST Actions cover basic and pre-competitive research as well as
activities of public utility. The member countries participate on an "ā
la carte" principle and activities are launched on a "bottom-up" approach.
COST has developed into one of the largest frameworks for research co-operation
in Europe and is a valuable mechanism co-ordinating national research
activities in Europe. Today it has almost 200 Actions and involves nearly
30,000 scientists from 32 European member countries and more than 50 participating
institutions from 11 non-member countries. The member states Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom. COST is based on Actions These are networks of co-ordinated national research projects in fields which are of interest to a minimum number of participants (at least 5) from different member states. The Actions are defined by a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed by the Governments of the COST states wishing to participate in the Action. The duration of an Action is generally 5 years. OVERVIEW of COST269 COST Action 269, User Aspects of ICTs belongs to the domain Telecommunications Information Science and Technology (TIST). Its main objectives are to study and analyse ICTs usage and users, with emphasis on communication, in order to increase knowledge of how and why a person incorporates or rejects ICT products and services into his/her daily life. COST Action 269 offers a unique opportunity for European scientists to participate in open research of user aspects of ICTs. An opportunity to meet and discuss ICT user aspects without regard to any particuluar discipline. The members of COST 269 represent as diverse disciplines as technology and sociology, as an example. They work for telecommunications research departments, universities or are independent consultants. Some are experienced researchers with academic responsibilities and some are graduate students. Start date: 15 April 1999 Duration: 5 years SIGNATORY COUNTRIES Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom OTHER COUNTRIES Croatia,, Norway, Finland CHAIR Chairperson: Vice chairpersons : Dr Leslie Haddon